Sunday 7 December 2014

Winter Project - Main Room

 Some development into the main room of the level. The general idea with a broken lever in the middle which opens the doors out. The player has to find the broken piece attach it to the lever stand and pull it to open the big double doors.

I would like to have some light rays streaming through a window which draw attention to the lever. Perhaps using a particle system to make it look like dust motes and in the area of the ray. I also would like to play around with creating chains in unity to try out hinge joints. So perhaps I could make it so the lever activates chains which pull open the door somehow?

The room feels too small how it is at the moment I feel it needs a bigger sense of scale to increased its own sense of importance. I decided I could use assets I had created for my first version of this project. But edited to fit into the hall better. I ended up with something I am kind of happy with.

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