Tuesday 30 December 2014

Personal Work - Quinn Fanart

Fanart of Quinn from League of Legends for a small competition.

I wanted to focus on my values in this piece and hence worked in grey scale with a bit of colour to act as a focal point.

Friday 19 December 2014

Personal Work - Homura

Some fan-art of Homura a character from the anime Madoka Magicka

Work in Progress

Debating between the following compositions at the moment.


Monday 15 December 2014

Personal - Face Practice Development

I decided to take the techniques that I'd learnt and played around with yesterday and try and able to  colour. I'm kind of happy with the result but will need to practice a lot more and plan to create a face each day to try and improve.

Friday 12 December 2014

Winter Project - December Hand In Progress

This post will talk about the stage the game was left at when handed in for the Winter Submission. This by no means suggests I won't be taking this unity project further, as I plan to add more to the level itself and bring the general quality of the level up in all ways. From scripting to texturing. There are many things I would want to add to my level but I am actually very happy with how it has turned out considering this was my first experience with coding, unity and modelling.
The games feel is supposed to be very dark and mysterious. With many unknown elements to it where the player is supposed to work out what to do from vague guidance. The project turned out to have a very amnesia feel to it which although not bad in itself, I was originally trying to avoid a horror game. Although in a way I suppose the atmosphere is more tense rather than a horror.

The mechanics of the game that I managed to implement were;
  1. The lantern travelling with the player
  2. The highlighting of intractable objects
  3. A decent level of script
  4. Sound
However I was close to achieving a few other points;
  1. Raycasts
  2. Intractable notes being drawn on the GUI - (I got this working in an earlier post but had a conflicting problem arise from it.
There were however a few areas I had planned to add but now will have to do at a later point;
  1. Cloth being blown by wind
  2. Ambient fog/particles
  3. Appropriate skybox
  4. More rooms to add a sense of clutter/environment
  5. A fade out at the end
The main point of this project was to learn and apply code. And I am rather pleased with my progress on this point. It took a bit of experimenting and ripping code apart but I feel I could actually code most things at a basic standard at least. Of course there are areas of my code which require refinement. An example of this would be the multiple static bools I use within my scripts. These should be replaced by getters and setters. Which I shall look into over the Christmas break.

The game itself turned out alright, with the level having something for the player to do in each area. And it seemed to funnel testers correctly without pointing them in an obvious direction too much. For my next project I need to develop this further, to give the player the illusion of more freedom without breaking away from the narrative line of development.

I really enjoyed this project and look forward to developing my unity and coding skills more and applying my increased maya texturing and modelling skills to this as well. 

Autodesk Maya Assignment

The assignment for this project was to replicate an image of a temple given to us in class as closely as possible in terms of structure and to bring it further if we so choose. I found this modelling quite challenging which wasn't helped by the fact my first model got corrupted and I had to restart. However this restart actually allowed me to improve my methods and I eventually came out with a detailed model I was happy with.

The next stage was to apply textures to the model via uv unwrapping and positioning the textures nicely. This stage wasn't too bad but was rather long and tiresome.

I then decided to take it a step further and actual render the model to improve the quality and to play around with lighting and materials.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Life Drawing

In a non chronological order here are a "few" of my life drawings, some being better than others.

Anatomy - Skeleton

This assignment focused on studying the human skeleton which is an area I feel myself to be weak on. It is the building block of good proportions and once learnt is a valuable tool to any artist. I found this assignment actually okay too do with the hardest part being actually working out where to start in drawing the skeleton. But after a few studies found it much easier to begin.

We had to create a front, side and back view of the skeleton and on two different version label the main bones and the main joints. I quite enjoyed drawing these and will most likely do some more to heighten my learning of this.


Wednesday 10 December 2014

Personal Work - creating an environmental concept

Rebellion concept artist Jack Eaves came in today to do some critique for us and to show the creation process of creating concepts. I tried to apply this and it did not come out too well. I will have to keep on at this technique until I am able to do so.

Adobe Photoshop - Proportions

This assignment was a proportions task. We had to make two fantasy creatures, an elf 9 heads tall and a dwarf 4-5 heads tall. This was to help us learn how altering the anatomy can be done to without actually breaking the feel of it being a humanoid. I enjoyed doing this and would like to come back to this as the dwarf is still unfinished but is at least drawn.

Monday 8 December 2014

Winter project - Props

Here is a post I shall update as I create more props/clutter for the game level. I want to avoid importing other peoples models into my level and create all the game content myself for various reasons. One being by actually creating the props I can use it as a way to learn, practice and improve. And secondly a matter of pride that the work is all my own I guess.

Winter Project - Staircase down and Basement

I wanted to add more to the level to give a greater sense of exploration so decided to use the idea that the player has to find the a replacement rod for the lever from a lower level.

I decided that the broken lever idea seemed a bit wrong so took this in a slightly different direction. Below is a bit of text i'll have on a note which should describe the idea.

"Goddammit the door gears have jamed again! This is getting stupid now. I told that worthless scrap of meat Jenkin that the gears are to be kept oiled! For crying out loud man! Just one job thats all I asked!... *His grumbling continue on for a fair few pages*

Sunday 7 December 2014

Winter Project - Main Room

 Some development into the main room of the level. The general idea with a broken lever in the middle which opens the doors out. The player has to find the broken piece attach it to the lever stand and pull it to open the big double doors.

I would like to have some light rays streaming through a window which draw attention to the lever. Perhaps using a particle system to make it look like dust motes and in the area of the ray. I also would like to play around with creating chains in unity to try out hinge joints. So perhaps I could make it so the lever activates chains which pull open the door somehow?

The room feels too small how it is at the moment I feel it needs a bigger sense of scale to increased its own sense of importance. I decided I could use assets I had created for my first version of this project. But edited to fit into the hall better. I ended up with something I am kind of happy with.