Wednesday, 9 December 2015

High Poly Asset Low Poly

Creating the low poly was actually rather difficult. More so than expected. It took me a while to create the correct types of low poly "cage" for each branch and mushroom. After some hard work I managed to create the low poly to be around 13k with a lot of this being extra edge loops to try retain as much detail to the branches as possible. I had a problem with the UV's however and the best way to set them up. I need to work hard to rectify this before the hand-in. Furthermore I have forgone the creation of the leaves as per recommendation of the tutor in favor of producing the major parts of the asset first and hopefully produce the leaves later if time can be found.

After gaining some help from fellow classmates I managed to gain a new perspective on the development of UV maps. The main point to bear in mind in the process of creating the UV's is the placement of the seams. Once this location is established the rest of the texture map can be built around it. This means you can basically plan out how the texture will map out rather than just trying to sew things together which is basically what I was initially doing. This second method is much moe successful and something I should pay alot more attention too.

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