Thursday 10 December 2015

High Poly Model Quixel

Once the UV's were dealt with the next step was to generate the maps that will be baked onto the mask. The normal, ambient and other similar maps. Using x-Normal I generated a set of these for each model part. I had to redo this step a few times as I didn't realize I had to uncheck the ignore colour map option on each new setup. A minor error but one that cost me a bunch of time.

After the maps were created it was a matter of taking them into quixel and bringing all the maps together on a model. This software seems a bit fragile with a lot of crashes and the like. But bar this it is a very, very impressive piece of software. The functionality present is great and the ability to learn the program is great. It was nice to be able to experiment with different materials prior to settling on a final thing.

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