Saturday 30 January 2016

Games Art - One Sheet

Before doing the One Sheet I realized I had to down size the project. The entire map idea would be too much and more of a post-handin concept. I came up with the idea of just doing one city, that I would name Dawa Norbu, and try develop different areas of the city itself. This would lead to a smaller area. But one which I can focus on much more so. As well as allowing me to focus on further backstory development to the area, 

Friday 22 January 2016

Games Art - Sketches and Ideas

A collection of sketches I have started to develop in regards to this project in no particular order. These helped me to establish initial ideas and cultural forms for further development. The idea of the people being very religious emerged here with all the large statues and mystic rocks. I further tried to play around with the environment to come up with more ideas.

Sunday 10 January 2016

Games Art - Research and Artists

A collection of research.

Guild Wars 1

The map structure in GW1 is very similar to the style of world map I have in mind. With a very painterly style but with areas annotated to show towns, cities, outposts, and general features. Furthermore when clicking on an icon a brief description shows of that areas before travel. I want to try take this further and expand on the available information.

Sung Choi

Choi's art style is something that I really want to try aim towards and keep considered whilst developing areas of concept. The use of colours and environment are visually stimulating and work well together and showing the culture of the area in question is again something I need to try achieve in my work.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Games Art - Initial Ideas

Approaching this project I had in mind that I wanted to try and do more than what the brief entails. The brief itself only really consists of making thumbnail sketches, a full concept piece, and a model sheet. I feel that I could try stretch myself further than this and incorporate skills from other areas.

Keeping this in mind I came up with the notion of an intractable environmental map. Presented within unity to make use of my coding knowledge to allow enable icons to show or direct the viewer to different pages which would present a concept of that area. Then an aspect of these areas would have a model sheet of it. For example, a forest scene with a wooden hut. Click on the hut and an expanded page with a hut model sheet on it would appear. Making a map of the world and then cities would give me a project that can be continued even after the hand-in date. And could make a very interesting portfolio style of a built world.

This project would then feature environments, characters, creatures, building, and cultures. However due to time I should aim to do one section to fulfill the brief first and then create further expansion when time allows or just hint at expansion.