Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Summer Project

The summer project assigned to us was to design and create a cyborg character. My first thought when approaching this topic was the over use of chrome metal and sleek robotics that has been synonymous with the cyborg image. I decided that I wanted to go for a different image and go for a more rusty/road warriors look. I suppose the recent movie Mad Max Fury Road would be more similar to what I have in mind. Taking a more scrapyard rustic approach to the robotic parts.

Initial Designs
The first step was to create a set of silhouettes to try and establish an interesting outline. Using this to act as a visual anchor points for the viewers eyes. Furthermore it helps the design sense of the character in question, being able to see the generic feel of each outline. The designs I managed to come up with all had their own qualities. With the far left feeling very punky and the one next to it seemingly more like a soldier or mercenary. I did establish that I perhaps I felt it would benefit the design to lean away from giant appendages as I didn't like how the fist or shield felt in this outline.

Defined Shapes
I then took the initial designs and tried to push a few of them a bit further, rendering out some aspects of them. Trying to find a feel for each cyborg character and working out if it was worth taking that particular design any further forward.

Material Study

Concept Art

Concept Sheet

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