Tuesday 20 October 2015

Games Production - Further Concepts


One if the first stages of designing any game is creating the world in which the game will take place in. This is important for a number of reasons. It allows world limitations to be set. The style and feel of the world. The mood of areas such as which areas would feel safe and which feel dangerous. 

Water Room

This was a concept for one of the puzzles rooms with a focus on water. By diverting the water around you could get things to move and thus unlock the puzzle. The room was supposed to feel vast but still enclosed with light zones acting as safe spots. Overall i'm happy with this piece as it was done in only 2-3 hours. Yet I feel that I need to break away from using the same camera angle and try more dynamic concepts.

Pressure Plate Room

A room concept for the first area where the player has to pick up and place a rock on the pressure plate to activate the door. I decided to try experimenting with colour schemes and this one went very blue/green. The colours themselves are interesting but I feel this scene would need a lot more development. But as a concept it serves its purpose.

Door Concept Sheet

Just a door concept sheet showing how the door would appear closed and open using forcefields/crystals instead of conventional doorways.

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