Wednesday 23 September 2015

Game Production - Concept

Although my set role is that of the game designer I still feel that I can contribute to the group in terms of artwork as well. In an effort to put across some ideas and general atmosphere to the team members and to help the concept artist in their development of the games look and palette.

I decided to try create a quick and rough concept of the entrance area of our level to try play around with scale, colours, environment and similar things. The end result was better than i thought would occur for such a short timeframe. I decided to try my hand at a bit of photo manipulation with the rocks as well as some more use of colour dodge. In the end this led to some nice lighting and I hope for the concept artist to take this further or if not I will try and develop some further ideas.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Summer Project

The summer project assigned to us was to design and create a cyborg character. My first thought when approaching this topic was the over use of chrome metal and sleek robotics that has been synonymous with the cyborg image. I decided that I wanted to go for a different image and go for a more rusty/road warriors look. I suppose the recent movie Mad Max Fury Road would be more similar to what I have in mind. Taking a more scrapyard rustic approach to the robotic parts.

Initial Designs
The first step was to create a set of silhouettes to try and establish an interesting outline. Using this to act as a visual anchor points for the viewers eyes. Furthermore it helps the design sense of the character in question, being able to see the generic feel of each outline. The designs I managed to come up with all had their own qualities. With the far left feeling very punky and the one next to it seemingly more like a soldier or mercenary. I did establish that I perhaps I felt it would benefit the design to lean away from giant appendages as I didn't like how the fist or shield felt in this outline.

Defined Shapes
I then took the initial designs and tried to push a few of them a bit further, rendering out some aspects of them. Trying to find a feel for each cyborg character and working out if it was worth taking that particular design any further forward.

Material Study

Concept Art

Concept Sheet